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4370 Olive Street (just West of Gaslight Square)
St. Louis, MO 63108

MON - FRI: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Lessons Dwight Schrute Can Teach You In Salesmanship

Dwight Schrute was a Dunder Mifflin Paper company enthusiast. He loved what he sold and it showed—through numerous hilarious quotes as well as a few moments of over the top salesmanship. (If you’re completely lost, we’re referencing NBC’s The Office.)

The only thing he might have loved more than selling paper was his beet farm (everyone needs a hobby, right?).

While the illustration is silly, there is a valuable lesson we can all learn from Dwight K. Schrute: love what you sell.

If you love what you sell, you’ll know everything there is to know about it. Your clients will be (theoretically) incapable of asking you a question you don’t know the answer to. And, when posed with an unanswered question, you’ll do whatever it takes to figure it out (partly because you’re client will demand it, but mostly because you just want to know).

Next? Your passion will earn you sales. (And this makes your superiors very, very happy.) When you have genuine appreciation for your products and services you’ll be invested in showing your clients how they can improve their current situation.

And always remember this: technology won’t make the sale. As much as Facebook, Twitter, and other online marketing mediums will drive curiosity and initial investigation, it’s authentic human contact that will make or break your sale.

In other words, don’t worry, you’re never going to be replaced by a computer—a human voice will always be better than an automated one.